The World Wide Fund for Nature wants to make Ingleborough wilder. They report:
"In the heart of the Yorkshire Dales, a beacon of nature recovery is emerging. We’ve partnered with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Natural England, the University of Leeds, the United Bank of Carbon, Woodland Trust and local communities to restore over 1500 hectares around Ingleborough.
The land around Ingleborough is big, open and breath-taking. The great limestone pavement looks more like the surface of the moon than the earth. It feels wild.
But the reality is that this land is not as wild as it should be. It should be a patchwork of woodland, heather moorland, lichen heathlands and blanket bog – but over the years its rich diversity has been lost.
We want to create a wilder future for Ingleborough. We want to bring back ancient woodland, hear skylarks sing over limestone grasslands and witness spectacular displays of wildflowers."