We were invited to talk to Settle Beaver Colony about archaeology, as a follow-up to their work on prehistory and their visit to Victoria Cave. So Sarah and Beverely braved the onslaught of seventeen 6 to 8 year olds in Settle Drill Hall on Thursday evening.

We gave a short introduction about IAG and talked about what archaeology is and what its purpose is. The Beavers asked some interesting questions, particularly about things we had found on digs and if we had found any treasure!
Then it was time for the activities. Concentrating on the Stone Age, we made simple coil pots with them and did some cave painting. The children were lovely and made some amazing pots and paintings.

They also got the chance to look at some replica artefacts, courtesy of a kind loan from Skipton Museum.
At the end of the session, we were presented with a tin of delicious gingerbread beavers to share with our members.
It was a noisy, but fun evening! Hopefully we have sparked some interest too.