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Winter work in the cairnfield


Updated: Jan 26, 2024

Wearing multiple layers of thermals, woolly hats and warmest jackets, the hardy IAG cairn project team are working over the winter to survey prehistoric cairns near Ribblehead.

Project leader Yvonne Luke, vice-chair of IAG, is keen to complete the survey before cattle return to the pasture in springtime and is taking every opportunity to get out into the field when weather permits.

Around 20 cairns and raised banks have been identified and the aim is to make a detailed survey of each structure, using the tape and offset method. Several members of IAG who have never done surveying before are being trained by Yvonne in the techniques of taking accurate measurements and plotting the shapes and slopes in a detailed drawing.

This project follows on from the 2022/3 survey of the cairn and embanked stone circle at Sleights Pasture nearby and a when the project is complete a full report will be produced, to interpret the results and put the monuments in context.

Below - sheep and snow show the edge of a ring cairn.


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